Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our perfect day!

August 2, 2008 Dustin and I got married. It was a perfect day and we had so much fun, it couldn't have been better!
The Pitman's

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our new home

We bought a house!!! We moved in over the 4th of July weekend. My parents came to town to help us with the moving and Peyton. We were very busy especially since it was a month before the wedding. Yes I know we are insane! We absolutley LOVE our new home and are still trying to get settled in. We have so much that we want to get done and so little time together to do it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

We're Engaged!

Christmas 2007 was the best Christmas I have ever had! It was Peyton's first Christmas and we were surrounded with family and friends. We were in Silverdale at my parents house and my grandparents were able to make it over as well.

Our family tradition is to go to church on Christmas Eve and then come home and open up presents. After all the presents were opened Dustin turned to me and said that there was one more left. He pulled out a Benny Bear and I knew it was going to be good :) The bear had a little box that was wrapped. When I opended up the box I found a beautiful ring Dustin took it from me, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said YES!! It was the best gift!!

It's a BOY

On September 24, 2007 at 3:40 am we welcomed our 7.5 lb beautiful baby boy Petyon Bradford Pitman into the world.

I had gone into labor earlier that day but was in denile. My parents had come up that weekend because my docotor told me that we were having the baby that weekend! I was excited and scared! During dinner I was having contractions but didn't want to tell anyone, the look on my face didn't lie though. My mom asked if I was ok so I confessed I thought I was having contractions. They timed them and they were at 5 min. My water had not broke yet so all I wanted to do was go up and go to bed. I didn't want to be one of those woman who labors for 30 some hours in the hospital. My parents left our house and Dustin took one look at me and said he was taking me in. So we were off to the hospital and left with our perfect baby boy!
One of the few pictures they were able to snap while I was in labor.

Peyton Bradford Pitman our pride and joy

Our first family Picture

Hmmm....some things never change! I guess it doesn't matter that I had just had a baby and no sleep for two days. Nice to know one of us got some sleep :-)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We're having a baby...

Back in January of 2007 Dustin and I were very surprised to find out I was pregnant. It would be a test of our relationship and we passed with flying colors! We were very scared and had no idea what we would be in for. We believe that everything happens for a reason and love the life we have been blessed with!

I had just found out I was pregnant 5 weeks along.
What I wouldn't give for that flat tummy again :-)

Our good friend Kelly is a photographer here in town. She has been able to capture all of our special life moments. Here are a few of our favorite maternity pictures. Kelly is so talented!

My belly 8 months pregnant

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just the two of us

Here are a few pictures of Dustin and I before the real world set in and the story that goes a long with them.

Dustin and I the night we met at Mixers.

I had just gotten off work at 11 PM at the Inn. My friend Ashley, a 911 dispatcher called and said that I needed to come out for drinks with her and her "cop friends". When I got there Dustin would not take no for an answer and made me dance with him (country dance) I had a BLAST. Long story short I told Ashley I wanted to go on a date and Dustin was the lucky guy she set me up with. The rest is history. Thanks Ashley!!

Dancing at Mixers

Dustin's Christmas Party 2006

Dustin asked me to go to his Christmas party with him. I was so excited I had never been to a Christmas party before and Dustin got to "show" me off ; )



Welcome to our blog! We are hoping to keep this up the best we can with all the going on's of the Pitman household. We hope you enjoy reading about our crazy, ok maybe boring, life :-)